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Maegan Wagner, BSN, RN, CCM

Nursing and Tattoos: Breaking Down Barriers to Enhance Patient Care

Tattoos have become increasingly popular in recent years. People from all walks of life decorate their bodies with various designs and symbols. Tattoos, once associated with rebellion or counterculture, have now become more mainstream and are seen as a form of self-expression. That being said, when it comes to nursing, the acceptance of tattoos may … Read more

Tachycardia: Nursing Diagnoses & Care Plans

Tachycardia is the rapid pumping of the heart at a rate of more than 100 beats per minute. It is a typical response to exercise or stress. However, if the cause is unknown or left untreated, it may result in severe health conditions such as stroke, heart failure, or cardiac arrest. Types There are several … Read more

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD): Nursing Diagnoses & Care Plans

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a mental health disorder manifested by repeated unwanted thoughts (obsessions) that lead to repetitive behaviors (compulsions). These thoughts and behaviors interfere with the patient’s daily activities and role performance.  The cause of OCD is largely unknown. However, these risk factors may increase the development of OCD:  OCD usually begins during the … Read more

Kidney Stones: Nursing Diagnoses, Care Plans, Assessment & Interventions

Kidney stones or renal calculi are hard deposits formed from minerals and salts in the kidneys that cause pain and complications as they move through the urinary tract. The different types of kidney stones include: Nursing Process Treatment and management of kidney stones will depend on the type and size of the stone. Nursing care … Read more

End-of-Life (Hospice Care): Nursing Diagnoses & Care Plans

End-of-life care is provided when vital organs and body systems shut down irreversibly and death becomes imminent. It starts when a patient is diagnosed with a terminal condition that requires symptom management and emotional support. Depending on the prognosis, end-of-life care may only last a few days or months to several years.  Near-death signs and … Read more

Peripheral Neuropathy: Nursing Diagnoses & Care Plans

Peripheral neuropathy occurs when the nerves outside the brain and spinal cord are damaged, leading to weakness, numbness, and pain, typically in the hands and feet. It can also impact other areas, including digestion and urination. Overview Diabetes mellitus, chronic alcoholism, autoimmune diseases, nutritional deficiencies, infections, chemotherapy drugs, malignancy, hypothyroidism, and trauma, are possible causes … Read more

Diabetic Foot Ulcer: Nursing Diagnoses & Care Plans

A diabetic foot ulcer is one of the most common complications diagnosed in patients with uncontrolled diabetes mellitus. Anyone with diabetes mellitus can develop a foot ulcer resulting from poor glycemic control, peripheral vascular disease, underlying neuropathy, and poor foot care. Pathophysiology The development of a diabetic foot ulcer begins with a callus from neuropathy. … Read more

Hearing Loss: Nursing Diagnoses & Care Plans

Hearing loss is a common medical condition affecting people of all ages with numerous causes. There are three types of hearing loss:  Clinical manifestations of hearing loss include the following: Hearing loss is diagnosed through a physical examination, general hearing screening test, tuning fork tests, and audiometer tests. Nursing Process Nursing care for patients with … Read more

Paraplegia: Nursing Diagnoses & Care Plans

Paraplegia is a condition characterized by paralysis that primarily affects the legs, but it can also involve the lower body and, in some cases, impair arm function. It most commonly results from damage to the spinal cord, but can also be caused by other medical conditions and diseases that affect the nervous system. Overview The … Read more